

writing a Resume (CV)

A resume is a brief document which highlights an individual's experience,qualifications and skills, in the hope of securing job interview. In Nigeria Resume is interchangeably with Curriculum Vitae (CV).
A well written resume opens doors for good jobs in nigeria. It attracts attention and provides an opportunity for follow-up action. Generally, resumes are used to apply for job applications and therefore it becomes all the more important to ensure that they are well written. A well written and effective resume makes an impact. It flags-off the applicant as someone worthy of further consideration. It should, therefore, lead to an interview or some other form of assessment and evaluation.
So how do you write a resume that counts? Think about it. Make it your own. Refer to templates and samples of well written samples by all means but do not just copy and use them without careful thought. Resumes that are put together through a copy, paste and amend process can easily be detected. This does not make a good first impression and certainly not one that counts. Consider the following when writing your resume:
1. Who is your target audience? If it is a company, organisation or institution, ensure that you get their name and other details correctly. Is there something about them that caught your attention? Perhaps you can mention this in your introductory paragraph. If it is an individual, ensure that you address them appropriately in your salutation.
2. What business are they are in? What are they looking for? What is it that you have which can add value to them? Focus on their requirements not on what you think is impressive about you. Learn a bit about the company, their mission, vision, policy and plans. Just knowing about these will enable you to write a more effective and targeted resume. Additionally, when called for an interview, the information would prove invaluable.
3. How are you going to present your details? How do you intend to lay them out? Usually it starts with personal particulars followed by qualifications, experiences, achievements and so on. However, you need to customise the layout and make it relevant to the requirements of a particular vacant position. Take care over your headings. Broad headings such as qualifications can be used. However, where appropriate, it needs to be broken down into sub-headings such as academic, professional or vocational qualifications.
4. Avoid an information overload. Keep the resume relevant to the requirements and only add information of value. Save the rest for the interview or other face-to-face contact. If you include too much, it may distract attention from your key points. Think about your target audience. Make it easy reading. Time is a limited commodity especially in a business.
5. Mind your written language. Spelling, grammar, logic, flow and so on are highly important in a resume. Do not be too loud. Avoid being an "I" specialist through the repeated use of words such as "I did this and I did that." This is very common among applicants writing resume in order to seek for jobs in nigeria.
How do you ensure that your resume or for that matter any other writing meets the basic requirements of good writing? Apart from referring to someone who is an expert or has adequate writing skills, what is a better and more reliable option? You need such help to get the job and for keeping it..

The most Important Tip to be considered when writing a Resume
A resume is a brief document which highlights an individual's experience,qualifications and skills, in the hope of securing job interview. In Nigeria Resume is interchangeably with Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Keep Your Resume Simple and Self-explanatory
Your resume should be filled with adequate, important and relevant information which displays your abilities and knowledge about the job.
Your resume must not be clumsy at all, it should be self explanatory and very precise.

It must be able to convince the prospective employer about You.

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