

Preparing for Interview

According to the title of this blog current job vacancies in Nigeria, as an applicant you need to be aware of the latest job vacancies around you because without this you can never secure a job.At times it not easy to determine the current job vacancies in nigeria around us due to the economic situation of the country, i.e most jobs in nigeria are posted in newspapers but how many people can afford to buy one.
It's a great feeling when you have applied for a job, submitted your CV or application form and you receive a letter inviting you to interview. That's great news, however, you may be among many people who have also been invited to interview. So how do you beat them and get the job you want? Follow my top tips to achieve interview success in order to secure good jobs in nigeria:

1. Prepare for your interview.
Start by doing some research on the company and the job. You could look at their website, ask for literature, or research any recent articles or information on the company or industry.
2. Understand the requirements of the interview
Find out whether there will be an interview, personality assessment, skills or aptitude test, assessment centre, or presentation, and ensure you prepare thoroughly.
3. Prepare for difficult questions
In most interviews, you will be talking for a majority of the time. The interviewers will ask you questions based on your experience, and may include questions about your strengths and weakness. In addition, you may be asked questions based on competencies, such as people management skills and team working. These are questions based on situations you have experienced. They will normally start as follows - tell me about a time... or will be an open question, starting with a word such as what, when, how.. To prepare for these types of questions, have a few examples you can use that you can adapt for different questions. You also may wish to prepare some questions that you can ask the interviewers at the end of the interview.
4. Plan your journey
46% of interviewers are put off if a job candidate does not arrive on time. So make sure you are not one of them by planning your route in advance and allowing plenty of time for the journey. Airm to arrive early and if you do, you can spend time preparing for the interview.
5. Dress appropriately
Nearly half of interviewers are put off when job candidates do not dress appropriately for the interview. This includes wearing a suit or smart outfit where appropriate and making sure that you clean your shoes, as well as appearing presentable. Give yourself plenty of time to decide what to wear, and you may want to get your clothes ready the night before the interview.
6. Gather all the information you need for the interview in advance.
It would be advantageous to review the job description and take your CV or application form to the interview with you. You may also need to take certificates, references or examples of your work to the interview, so prepare these in advance.
7. Make a great first impression
majority of applicants tend to make a lot of mistakes when seeking for jobs in nigeria by not making good first impressions which is not okay.
People tend to make a first impression of you within the first few minutes. When you meet the interviewers, use appropriate eye contact, a firm handshake, and smile! Good luck.
If these tips are followed, i can assure you with God on your side you will shine.....and dont forget to always stay in touch with the current job vacancies in Nigeria for the latest Job updates.


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